
Holiday schmoliday
8 December 2010, 4:26 pm
Filed under: domestic mayhem, miscellaneous mayhem

I don’t know if this will be a grinchy post or not.  But I liked the way holiday schmoliday sounded in my head.  I’ve managed to get to the gym Monday and today so that’s super.  And so far I’ve managed to not eat everything in sight in the house this afternoon (I was even able to measure out a cup of my leftover vegetarian pad thai from Regent and have that for lunch with a banana).  I did have a can of tuna after returning from the gym just now, but that’s how that’s supposed to go.

I may be addressing the rest of that leftover pad thai for dinner later as The Rockstar is working 1PM-10PM today.  Christmas in Washington, anyone?  A nice hit for him at the end of a pretty slow year.  No company for dinner for me though.  UD Alumni Association happy hour tomorrow night.  I think the last time the gang hauled out for one of these things was more than 5 years ago.  I know Mollie and I are going, not sure about Liz and Julia.

This super cold weather that we’ve got this week is really throwing me for a loop.  I don’t expect this kind of cold until January and I keep putting on the wrong clothes and regretting it later.  I even drove to work the last two days cause I just couldn’t face it.  I’ve joined the new bike sharing program in town and until Arctic Arnie showed up I was using it pretty frequently… I hope it warms up a bit later this week.


A day off
24 November 2010, 8:44 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous mayhem

Sometimes I wind up thinking about the very different way that those of us from the Island of Misfit Toys (people who work in the theater) look at the holidays.  Tonight, for example, rather than travelling to be with family or looking forward to a long weekend, we are heading to our favorite bar for late night happy hour to celebrate a day off.  One day.  A day that this year for the first time in 4 years that Joe and I will be going to visit the Crosiers where my brother and his family and my mom have their holiday every year.  And that’s only because I don’t have to be at work until 12:30 on Friday.  The last three years we have stayed in DC because I have had late days and early mornings on both sides of Thursday.

My dear pal Elizabeth will be joining us this evening after she gets done with her show at 10:30 pm.  She is looking forward to Thanksgiving with her sofa, a bottle of wine, and some hard earned peace and quiet.  And I’m not exaggerating the degree to which she is looking forward to it.  Like some folks anticipate Christmas, or their birthdays, or the Super Bowl.  I hope that she gets her peace and quiet because I am very thankful for her friendship.

Other things that I am thankful for this year include, but are not limited to:

Joe Corbin Rockstar, my mother, my siblings and their families, my remarkable friends, Katie – my phyiscal therapist and all of the super great people at that practice, Craig Faulks – the doctor who rebuilt my knee and gave me a free patellar scrape-n-clean while he was in there, Maxx and his pestilential fur, the Nats organization and their delightfully accessible ballpark, Cake for releasing a new song and having an album that’s coming out soon, bicycles -all of them, and a whole lot of other stuff.

We have ordered Indian food and will be enjoying that before going to the bar to celebrate a day off.

Costume or lifestyle choice?
30 October 2010, 10:18 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous mayhem, Uncategorized

I walked back from the Kennedy Center tonight at around 6:30.  The hot question for the walk quickly revealed it self to be “Costume or lifestyle choice?”  The two big candidates were drag queen and hipster.  I don’t know that any of the hipsters were actually costumed but I kind of hoped that was the case.  I wish more of the men in drag had clear intentions other than “uh, there’s a costume party? I guess I’ll wear a dress.”  And then there were the refugees from the Sanity/Fear events on the mall.  They were just ridiculous.  Did they really have to schedule those events for Halloween/Marine Corps Marathon weekend.  It’s really sending DC’s population of wackos through the roof (and I know and love some of those marathon running wackos).

Guess who’s back?
29 October 2010, 9:35 am
Filed under: Satan's Molar

Satan’s Molar!!!  Trying to figure out when I am going back for the eleventeenth round of ‘What’s Wrong With This Tooth”.  The nice ladies at the dentists office are rearranging other people to get me back in.  Never a good sign.

14 days
28 October 2010, 7:21 pm
Filed under: miscellaneous mayhem

That is how long I have been back to work.  And that, of course, is fourteen days in a row.  Nothing like easing back into it.  The first weekend (30+ hours in 3 days) I was living in my fantasy world where I go back to school to be a physical therapist.  Because PT is totally funner than work.  Yeah, you heard me… funner.  Way funner.  I have stopped considering how I would go about taking  biology, chemistry, and physics every hour.  It’s not a good sign when you spend days seriously consider just how many prerequisites must be fulfilled and find that you think “hey, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad”.

I have been trying to walk at least one way each day.  I have managed the round trip 3 times or maybe 4.  It’s two and a quarter miles each way.  And if I don’t get the exercise there, I doubt I’d get it.  I have managed to go swimming 3x since I started back.  I’m very happy about that.  And I swam my first full mile (well, 1600m) on Monday.  It took an hour.  I do not swim fast.  I had managed 1500m in an hour the week prior, but this time I had a lot less trouble with my goggles.

On an unrelated note, I am becoming a wee bit psychotic about the mosquitoes in the house that refuse to die on their own or be killed.  I was doing well for a while.  Think I took out 5 in two days but these last two little ~angels~ are being difficult.  And I am tired of the whine.  The high pitched whine.  The high pitched whine that wakes me.  The high pitched whine that wakes me and makes me smack the side of my head so hard I will be deaf like Beethoven.  I have had it with these mosquitoes.

Waiting for grout
6 October 2010, 7:16 pm
Filed under: domestic mayhem

tile set sealing and grout to come

Tile going in
6 October 2010, 4:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Note the Rockstar's forearm

More floor!
6 October 2010, 3:30 pm
Filed under: domestic mayhem, Satan's Molar

I am ignoring continual pain from Satan’s Molar to post some more pictures from the floor project.

Maxx is guarding the slate

The Rockstar works on the layout

I really hope the floor turns out well, but not quite as much as I really hope that Satan’s Molar decides that today will be the last day of horrendous pain.

Kitchen Floor
4 October 2010, 4:40 pm
Filed under: domestic mayhem

The kitchen floor lost a fight with an icky leak in the wall last December.  Have we replaced it yet? To this  I can confidently answer “kind of”.  We finally have all the materials.  The old floor was hardwood.  Not ideal for a kitchen if you ask me.  We are replacing it with slate tile.  Super cool slate tile called “Mongolian Desert”.  Color varies from almost white to dark blue gray with a wide variety of cream, orange, and red in it too.  Right now The Rockstar is fitting one of the underlay materials.  We have moved the small base cabinet that lives next to the fridge.

The funny part of course is that we have had most of these materials since late June….  I will post a picture below of the current situation.

Note The Rockstar in the corner

Dental Work part ARRRRRRRRgh: Satan’s Molar
1 October 2010, 3:34 pm
Filed under: Satan's Molar

I got to go back to the dentist today as the root canal-ed tooth started to hurt again about 2 days ago.  And when I say again I mean it had almost stopped feeling terrible from the awkward filling/skull ringing weekend 2 or 3 weeks ago and now it is back with a poor attitude.

The dentist took a look, took an x-ray, got out the prescription pad (an antibiotic and vicodin), and asked his scheduler to rearrange some folks on Tuesday afternoon so I can go back and have this tooth opened for a third time in 5 weeks or something unfortunate like that.

And I get to have my teeth cleaned on the 11th.  Hah.

Oh — I forgot the part where he poked at my teeth, starting with the two behind Satan’s Molar to see… I don’t know, just how much it hurts I guess… and so *taptap* on the wisdom tooth (or No. 16 as I know it now) no problem, *taptap* on No. 15 no problem, and *ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@$*%*#$*#*$*@*$@*$*#@ on Satan’s Molar.  There was water leaking from my eyeballs and he very astutely said “Hurts that much, huh?”  (with a significant amount of sympathy, I must say – it was then that the extra strength Vicodin was scribbled out on the prescription pad).

I may be developing a parody of the Cake song “Satan Is My Motor”….

Satan is my molar

Feel my molar burn